In 2017, I faced the harsh realities of winter after missing out on it for the past 10 years — the cold, the freezing wind, and the heartbreaking amount of homeless people on the streets. If I was freezing, I knew they were. No matter what, I have always believed we should help each other out because you never know what everyone has or is struggling with.
So I contacted the CRACK + CIDER team in London asking if I could launch the program in NY.
What’s CRACK + CIDER? It’s the world’s first shop for the homeless, where anyone can purchase a winter essential but instead of receiving it, the piece is donated to a local shelter, making it extremely easy and straightforward for people to help. We worked with The New York Rescue Mission (the oldest rescue mission in the US!).
We launched it in New York on November 1, 2017, proudly working with local stores to source wholesale product and open a pop-up shop, and within two months we sold over $5,600 worth of stock.
The more pieces we sell, the more pieces we donate (100% of proceeds go back into the company, nobody makes a profit) so I would LOVE if you could purchase a piece (or a few) and share with friends, family, co-workers, tinder dates, lovers, h8rs, strangers — because together each and every one of us can help improve the lives of our homeless neighbors.💕
My friends and I like to take themed photos at JcPenny. They love us.
In 5th grade I auditioned for the part of a lifetime, the lead of "Into the Outdoors". A few days after the audition, I got a call: I did not get the part. I barely had time to break down in tears before they quickly told my mom that they instead had written in a part for me: one of the main characters and Henry's little sister, "Patsy Patton, almost famous girl reporter".
I was in the show from 2000-2002 and it won an Emmy that first year. NBD.
I also styled myself. As you can tell.